Hi! My name is Brittany, but you can call me Britt.

I’m a multidisciplinary designer with a background in graphic and UX/UI design, with a focus in logo design, brand identity and illustration.

My love for all things design started when I was 12 years old, using all of my free time filling up sketchbooks with comic book artwork and character art. Being self taught in Photoshop, I eventually navigated my way through other programs such as Illustrator and After Effects, where I developed my own style. While studying UX/UI at Vancouver Film School, I realized I could use my superpowers of empathy to help create more enjoyable experiences for people through design, which I am endlessly growing more passionate for. 

If I’m not watching tutorials on Youtube, I’m usually out on a walk, enjoying a cup of coffee or catching up on the newest Boiler Room mixes (I’m learning how to DJ!)

Want to get in touch? Shoot me an email